Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.

Psalm 96:3

Who We Are

We are WIN (World Initiative Network) missionaries with the BBFI to Cape Town, South Africa. We will be working alongside BBFI church planting missionaries– Blake and Megan Hunter- who are already in the area and have a small, growing church. We will be able to use our jobs to not only get into the country, but to witness to others just like we should all be doing where God has placed us. Elliot has a degree in Civil Engineering with eight years of experience as an engineer. Bethany has worked as a nurse and recently graduated with her Masters of Nursing Education. Our goal is to live ordinary lives of serving the Lord, just in an extraordinary place where God leads.

God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:4

Support Us

Through Prayer

The greatest gift you can give us is prayer.

Pray for the people of Cape Town and their hearts to accept the gospel.

Pray that God will work through Elliot and Bethany in the various opportunities that He gives them.

Through Giving

We need regular partners for ongoing support and one-time gifts for special projects to help us accomplish the mission of reaching Cape Town with the gospel.